Friday, June 18, 2010

White stuff on my hair?

ok i have white stuff on my head and i no for sure its not dandruff i think it somethin called citrus i dont no how to spell it but my mom said it stays for the rest of my life ): and its embarasing theres all this white stuff on my head and nobody will want to be my friend cuz i got stuff on my head and btw my dad has it 2 but he has on head and hands and legs...

White stuff on my hair?

It may be psoriasis. Just because you have a skin disease that does not mean you will not have friends! A friend is someone who likes you in happy times and one that will be there when you need to talk about your problems! Also a true friend does not tell others about your secrets. I am sure you will find friends. I know a skin disease like psoriasis and Ezcema is no fun for anyone. I have psoriasis too and I have

had a beautiful family and 2 great friends that I have known for 38 years....also have grandkids and great grandkids so guess even though I have a skin disease I am really fortunate to have all that I have in life!!

White stuff on my hair?

I am glad that I could help you! Put a smile on your face and everything will works out!!! Report It

White stuff on my hair?

It could be lice or dry gel maybe

White stuff on my hair?

Its probably dandruff.

White stuff on my hair?

I think you mean psoriasis which is a skin condition. why dont you try a dermatologist. they can give you a madicated shampoo or cream to help you.

White stuff on my hair?

it can be a rare congenital condition or just keratin blocks or a myco infection (piedra blanca) or the eggs of a parasitic insect (pediculus capitis) to confirm it you need a microscopical observation of the hair (simply)

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