White hair? Really--seriously.......hair? And...one other thing that's been bothering me...he's got a mouth because he "spoke" stuff into being...well-- mouth's are used mainly for eating..and so logically...what's he been eating..one could further extrapolate well...other things....and functions also....Hey..is this guy human?
Does God have white hair?
Human? No
White hair? Yes
Does God have white hair?
yes he is
Does God have white hair?
White hair is human's impression of what God looks like. God doesn't need to eat as He is not human. God is God (as Juno Reactor once said).
You are just thinking of human drawings. No one knows what God really looks like, if he has a form.
Does God have white hair?
God is the product of human's limited logic thousands of years ago.
Does God have white hair?
What makes you think God has a mouth or hair?
I could draw a picture of a chicken flying, would you believe that too?
Does God have white hair?
no hes black ......................ish
Does God have white hair?
No one knows what God looks like. We just know He is there.
Does God have white hair?
*SIGH...Um H*ll no he does not have white hair!!! He has long Black hair in two braids with feathers in the braids... and dark skin... Everyone knows he is Native American DUDE COME ON!!!!! LOL (seriously good Point tho)
Does God have white hair?
In the Simpson's god has white hair, but honestly no one knows for sure yet. God is omniscient , so He can make whatever He wants for dinner. And no, He is not human. He is a god. However, our looks were based upon the way he looked so we know he looks like a human.
Does God have white hair?
Rev 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
Rev 1:15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
Does God have white hair?
God is not a human. i don't know how he looks, and neither do you. no one has ever seen the face of God, so people just predict how he looks. no one knows, so you can't get a right answer on this.
Does God have white hair?
No, God is invisible
Does God have white hair?
Well, I could not explain it, but no He is not the picture image that we have by shows and media who portray Him what they think He is like.
Does God have white hair?
Anthropomorphism - It is giving human attributes to no humans. So there is no literal mouth.
Does God have white hair?
i dont get your question.
Does God have white hair?
No. God is SPIRIT.
He is spoken of anthropomorphically.
Since the Incarnation the second person of the Trinity is fully God and fully man. He is raised from the dead and has a glorified, resurrected body. That body is so much beyond our mortal bodies you should NEVER extrapolate between our moral bodies and the resurrection bodies which believers will, one day, receive.
Does God have white hair?
If It doesn't ...It surely deserves white hair, what with all the burdens heaped on It by us humans.
Does God have white hair?
Actually - I went to his house for dinner last week (we had prime rib) and he recently dyed his hair. It's auburn at the moment. With eternity and all, he got bored with the white hair a thousand years back. He doesn't technically need the mouth, but he eats because he likes how it tastes. As for the human form bit, I think he just did that to make us comfortable because he said if any of us saw his true nature we'd go blind. It's so far beyond our comprehension.
I'm kidding, of course! :) Humans create Gods in their own image so they can better relate to the concept of deity. That's what I think anyway.
Does God have white hair?
~~~ cde l ,,,, This is only one of the flaws in The Concept of ",,,created in the image of god,,,". This is what is commonly known as Anthropomorphizing a god,,, or PERSON-alizing a god so that one feels more connected. Global Human History supports this contention irrefuteably.
Does God have white hair?
That was used as an illustration you could understand. Most of us cannot understand that a creature can be a spirit and not need anything material like flesh and blood. He doesn't eat, sleep or get tired. He has no body like we do. When the demons left heaven and came to the earth it was easy for them to make a human body. After Jesus resurrection so that people could see he was resurrected he made several. some his mother didn't even recognize at first. They speak by mental talaphie
Does God have white hair?
Well in the bible it says in Genesis that we were created to look like the Gods' themselves so they do look human but they aren't and I don't think he has white hair but I have no proof of that so I can't help you there.
Does God have white hair?
I always thought a spirit had no hair, no mouth, no gender, no physical body at all. What would the purpose be?
Does God have white hair?
GOD is an all powerful, omnipotent, omniscience entity,spirit, force,
that is why he descended to earth in JESUS-GOD made man, so we may relate to him in human form. Therefore no hair.
Does God have white hair?
You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven... (Exodus 20:4)
Cursed is the man who makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to the Lord, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret...(Deuteronomy 27:15)
This means that we are not to fantasize about how God looks or try to replicate his appearance.
閳ユ窂ut He [God] said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live !" (Exodus 33:20)
閳ユ罚o one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.閳?John 1:18)
閳ユ窏e who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion ! Amen.閳?1 Tim. 6:15-16)
No one has actually seen God. They have had revelations and visions but to actually see him. Never.
You want to know what God looks like? We (all mankind) were created in His image, 'nuff said.
Does God have white hair?
The two visions of the Ancient of Days (LORD Jesus) indicate He has pure white wool hair. They are visions of Jesus in the Fathers Glory. (Daniel %26amp; Revelation)
I would guess Jesus resurrected body has white hair also, when He re-entered His Fathers Glory. An example would be when He was glorified before His closest Disciples on the mountain where Moses %26amp; Elijah visited Him. He was very bright in the Fathers Glory.
Also there is the marriage supper of the Lamb, where eating %26amp; drinking is done. So, my guess is that there is a toilet in heaven.
Jesus was totally human born of a virgin, and also totally the Son of God. We are made in Gods/Elohims image; body, soul %26amp; spirit. Jesus put on humanity when He came from Gods Glory to earth.
God the Father is too Bright %26amp; Strong for us to look upon. So whenever one saw God or heard His voice, it was through the Word of God/Jesus or the Holy Spirit. In both the Old %26amp; New testaments.
Does God have white hair?
Not white hair, white hair suggests aging - and that would not fit with the `living forever `claims. You cannot be old , unless you were once young, so growing old is impossible! Made by man for men, living only in the mind.
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