my friend had alot of white hair in the back of his head, and he told me to take it then i did..but then i was wondering if it was bad to..he was also just 15 years old! why does he have so much white hair already?
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
It just happens but wouldn't it have been easier for him to dye it?
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
it's not bad, and some people are just like that.
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
Everyone says it is but it really is not bad at all and at age 15 im not sure why he has so much
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
for each hair you pull , you get two more white hairs.
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
It is not uncommon for teenagers to have premature greying, it usually has genetic roots. So sometimes it runs in the family, with children as young as 8 having grey hair. It is a natural process. Hair turns gray or white
when a pigment (melanin) ceases to be produced in the hair root, and new hairs grow in gray or white.
Drugs, such as vitamin E can also cause grey hair, as well as diseases such as hyper/hypo-thyroidism and anemia. It can also be caused by smoking.
I don't see the point in pulling white hairs out, they'll just grow back white. Anyway, its different. Be hip and grey :D
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
Everyone starts to get "white" hair some time in their life... some earlier than others. Pulling out a white hair is no big deal... just one less hair on his head for the moment.
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
if your a guy...yeesh dont get white hair, makes you look old. and girls you probably can pull off white hair if your light skinned, and if your hair is long and if its wavy. it kinda gives you that mystical princess look
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
Well if there is like A LOT of white hair then it is a better idea to dye it back to the original hair color but if it is only a few, i think it's okay to pull them out. He's only 15? Well maybe he's somehow related to Taylor Hicks!
Is it okay to pull out white hair or not?
why do u want to pull? tell him, if he had one or two white hair it would okay...but, u wrote there is so many.....
this problem oculd be genetical (most of the time its bcoz genetic).......
tell him to show a doctor - its a matter of life time.
Side by side, what u can do, buy a color, and start dieing his will increase the fashionability side by side will serve the pourpose.
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